Media Briefing for Tourism Destination
Snapshot: Media Relations
Client: Vacation destination at the German North Sea coast
Scope:Prepare and manage a press conference at the ITB (International Tourism Fair, Berlin)
Implementation: What could be a better location to showcase a vacation destination than the world’s largest tourism fair and exhibition? The media briefings managed by Mundo Marketing for its clients have been firmly established ITB events for many years.
Key elements: Fascinating and fact-laden content, informed and well prepared speakers as well as glitch-free technology make for a smooth and worthwhile event.
Early save-the-dates and personal invitations assure good attendance. Press kits include essentials, backgrounders and visuals. Speakers are supported with respect to content and timeframe.
Result: The media briefings of this German vacation destination have been regular ITB agenda items for more than 10 years. A consistent brand management has significantly improved awareness among travel media representatives. Countless contacts were established leading to better insights into and higher appreciation of this vacation destination.